Hello !
How have you been?......I've missed writing to you for the last few days!I spent all day cooking and preparing for the holiday. I also opted to stay away from the computer while celebrating Rosh Hashana. Of course,by the time morning came around today, I was way behind the proverbial 8-ball . I have spent the entire day catching up. I considered waiting until morning to write to you and then thought better of it and opted to grab the opportunity.tonight.My morning started off in shul....it is after all Wednesday. After having spent Sunday night,Monday and Tuesday in services, the last place I wanted to be at 7 this morning was back at the synagogue. It seems that I was not the only one feeling that way. To a man, each and every one of us appeared exhausted,drained from the holiday and certainly not at our most energetic to face the day.
I can't remember feeling this way in the past. Maybe I'm just getting older! By 2 pm ,I was shot.It's a little after 7 now and I really would like to just go to bed.Unfortunately, I still have a trip to the supermarket before that can happen.
I really just wanted to reach out and say hello and to let you know that I hadn't forgotten you!
I am using this start to the New Year to recommit to getting to the gym more regularly. Notice I didn't say every day or every other day. am being realistic in setting my goals.
I made it there today and as of right now, I should make it tomorrow as well. Of course,giving up that hour or more in the middle of my morning will mean adjusting my schedule . This is as much of a challenge as getting to the gym itself. I am not willing to abandon doing the things I already consider to be integral parts of my day. This will take some work on my part. It will be challenging. And it will also mean pushing myself past what might be "comfortable". That includes going grocery shopping when I would much rather be heading off to bed.
SO it's off to Shop-Rite.
Have a great evening and we'll catch up some more tomorrow!
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