Saturday, September 25, 2021

Money Matters

“A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.”

Saint Basil 

We all have heard that money can't buy happiness.

While this is true, it can absolutely buy misery.
The best way to ruin a friendship is over money matters.
Over the years, I have seen relationships between business partners ruined over money.
I have seen families torn apart over money matters.
I have watched friendships disintegrate over money.
Nothing builds walls between people faster than money.
It's an awful truth.
As for myself, I know the quickest way to get under my skin is when you screw with my money.
Even though I am aware of this, I can't help but to get lit up anytime anyone screws with my finances.
I go ballistic at the mere mention of an issue.
I also stress out beyond belief when I know I have to have one of those uncomfortable money conversations.
It is most certainly the root of all that is evil in my world.
Knowing all of this does not change the fact that to this very day, I end up getting so disappointed when people react and behave poorly over money matters.
It's very sad.
In the end, it's only money.
We all still have our health, our family, our loved ones, our friends and colleagues.
Do a few shekels really mean that much?
I swear, I know people who have been more forgiving over infidelities' and marital indiscretions than they are over finances.
It's a sickness.
Unfortunately, I don't think Pfizer or Moderna or J& J are working on a vaccine for tis pandemic!
Shavua Tov!

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