Happy New year!
I hope this email finds you well.
I know, it's been quite some time since you last heard from me.
No excuses.....I just stopped writing.
After 8 years,4 months and 12 days, I found that I couldn't find it in me to open this platform and put words on a page.
I missed it terribly.
Still, I couldn't find a way to allow myself to write.
On Christmas eve, while scrolling through my cell phone, I realized just how many people I have lost touch with.
I will never have the opportunity to reach out to many of those names.
Too many ,way too many, are no longer here.
I think it's time for me to reconnect with as many as possible.
The picture above was taken on a visit with my friend Tom.
Friend, frat brother and as the photo depicts, a member of what was dubbed the Fearsome Foursome of the pledge class of Spring 1973.
Sadly, that group has now dwindled to just a Dynamic Duo.
One thing I learned from my musical past....I am not a good soloist!
It's time to strike up the band once again.
It's time for a reunion tour of sorts.
It's time to join the chorus again.
I don't make New Years resolutions.
I'm not big on promises either.
Life has a funny way of getting in the way of them.
I do however make commitments, to myself and to others.
My statement of commitment today is to reconnect. starting with this email.
There are no promises for a tomorrow. There is only the here and now.
So here I am, and now is the time.
I've missed you all!
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