Lately I have noticed that people have forgotten how to use the words "thank you".
8 letters should not be that hard to string together.
As a result of this, I personally have become more diligent in making sure that I remember this catchy little phrase.
Thank you!
2 words.
8 letters.
Pretty simple.
Others appreciate it when you say it and it costs you nothing.
How great is that!
I really don't understand how saying this simple acknowledgement of gratitude has fallen out of grace.
It's almost as if people have taken others for granted.
Or maybe we all just think that we just deserve things , therefore saying thank you is not necessary.
I for one, think it's kind of rude.
I also know that when I use these 8 letters, I feel better about myself.
I know it can become cumbersome.
I say thank you and then you feel obliged to say your welcome and then I have to say no really thanks a lot and you have to respond with no really it was nothing and then it gets all kinds of awkward.
No it doesn't!
It should be as natural and easy as breathing.
This is the time of year, as I find myself on the eve of Yom Kippur, where I would normally ask for your forgiveness for any wrong I may have knowingly or unwittingly committed towards you.
This year, I would like to add a great big thank you to that request.
Thank you for being my friend.
Thank you for all that you have or may have done for me.
Thank you for being part of my world.
Thank you.
g'mar chatima tova
May you be sealed in the Book of Life!
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