Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thanks for bringing this to my attention

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”
 -Anais Nin
Over the last 24 hours I have heard from 3 different friends who happen to read my stuff on a daily basis.
Each of them expressed some concern that my writing has taken a turn of late.
As one dear friend and fraternity brother pointed out"
I am reaching out to you because I have not seen negativity come from you ........ever. Therefore, I sense that you feel life is pummeling you.  
This is kind of what I heard from my two other friends as well.
My response is.......thanks for bringing this to my attention.
I have been feeling dark.
I have been feeling defeated.
I have given up hope.
And that's just not who I am.
Yes, I am frustrated.
Yes,I am feeling as if I have no control over the circumstances surrounding my life.
Yes, the creative side of me,the biggest side of me,is at a complete standstill .
I am really tired of NO!
Hanging on,waiting and idly sitting by are not my strongest attributes!
I am a big believer in "DO SOMETHING!"
Yesterday's accomplishments are there for one purpose and one purpose be built upon.
It is time for "What's next!".
I do appreciate my friends for shining a light on how I am showing up.
Thanks again for bringing this to my attention.
And my attention is what this situation will now have to deal with!

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