Saturday, May 30, 2020

Angry Day

"Courage can be in the small choices that we make each day, in doing something despite being afraid of it.”
I woke up angry today.
I started out angry at a couple of things.
I was angry at this whole stupid quarantine and the devastating effects it is and will have on us all.
Unfortunately, I walked past a television and they were covering the nonsense going on in Minneapolis.
More angry!
I then became angry at stupidity. The stupidity fueling all of what one sees or hears from the media.
All sorts of crap started making me angry.
I was angry because I couldn't just go sit at the counter of a diner and have breakfast. I was angry that I couldn't just pop in and have a cup of coffee with a friend.
I was angry that there was even a discussion going on as to when, how and how many people might be allowed to return to their houses of worship.
My immediate solution is to shut down and further isolate myself.
My needs are simple.
I can minimize to the Nth degree without much difficulty.
That however , is no way to live.
Eventually I came around to asking what is it that I am really angry about or angry at.
Bottom line, as it is in all things that matter,the blame rests squarely on my shoulders.
As I said,I have a choice. I can turn off the news and the nonsense by simply ignoring it.
I can maximize my existence within the confines of this quarantine by making the most out of what I have.
I can ignore or choose to not involve myself with the fall lout and consequences of all of the goings on in the "real" world.
Yet,I still seem to be angry.
Once again, the responsibility rests squarely at my feet.
I have been at this writing thing for almost 7 years now. In As a matter of fact, in exactly 2 weeks, it will be 7 years since I sent out my first email to what at that time was an audience of 1 person.
I am beginning to understand that it's more than just a possibility that in those 7 years, I have not shifted my rantings and ramblings into something bigger,something better,something more substantial.
I can tune out everything else that has me angry today. This last part I just can't seem to ignore.
Shabbat Shalom!

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