Friday, May 29, 2020

Don't open that door..................

“Doubt increases with inaction. Clarity reveals itself in momentum. Growth comes from progress. For all these reasons, BEGIN.” 
-Brendon Burchard
During my never ending bus run yesterday (don't ask!), I found my mind wandering towards a very dangerous place,the cursed house of what was. You know that house. It is filled with thoughts of what once was,what once might have been and what maybe could have been.
It's a very bad place to be.
It does absolutely no good. There is nothing to be gained from living in this cursed place.
There absolutely are lessons to be learned from our past.However dwelling on the what if's and what might have been's,is never productive.
As sure as I know how detrimental going there can be,I found myself struggling to not open that door.
What is the old adage "an idle mind is the devil's playground....".
What I think may have happened to me, what I view as to what others may have done to me,what opportunities were not acted upon, mean nothing to me.
They exist only in that cursed house. The place where nothing good happens. So why would I even consider opening that door?
That's just dumb!

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