Monday, December 16, 2019

What ever happened to the book?

"Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it, and spend it rather than invest it."
Jim Rohn
So what ever happened to the book? I haven't brought this up over the last few months and I thought it might be a good idea to address it.The best I can report at this point is that it is on hold. I am reticent to make any definitive declarative statements pinning me down to anything specific regarding writing a book.It may happen.It may never happen. I really can't say at this point. If you recall, I never set out to write a book. When I started writing ,I had no idea how important it would become to me and how much I enjoy doing it.On the days when I don't make time to write,I certainly feel it.When I do write,my day feels more complete.On the days when someone responds to me,my joy level reaches all sorts of high levels.
When I watch talk shows,or listen to talk radio, it seems that every Tom,Dick and harry has written a book lately. I have no idea who is reading or buying these. It seems to me that as anonymous as I am, the only ones who would benefit from me undertaking a book would be the publishing house that would ultimately make money from me.
So for now I will continue to tell my story using the format that I started with,writing to you as often as I can.
While my calendar doesn't have a someday on it,I am comfortable saying that their may or may not be a book...........someday.

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