Saturday, December 7, 2019

No Quid Pro Quo

"Always speak of the past, gratefully. 

Of the future, excitedly. 

And of the present,with a Cheshire Grin"
-Notes from The Universe
No this has nothing to do with the nonsense we get bombarded with on the news lately.
I was having lunch with a dear friend from high school today. It seems that the last time we met up,which was just before the High Holidays, I had expressed my ambivalence towards the yom tovim and towards religion in general.This concerned my friend who is deeply and unequivocally vested in his religious beliefs.Prayer is a huge part of his life,which certainly is not the case in my life.
His concern for my spiritual well being became part of our conversation today. In fact it was a large part of it. After we said our goodbyes,I think he had a better understanding of where my head , if not my heart, is in regards to prayer, devotion and connecting with a higher power.
As I drove away, it occurred to me that my relationship with that higher power can best be summed up by the statement that between me and who or whatever that power is, there is no quid pro quo.
Quid pro quo is a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something.
Prayer, to me, sounds like the ultimate example of just such an arrangement.
I am sure that this will set the hair of many people who I know, love and respect ablaze. So before the firestorm erupts,understand, this is about me., not you. I don't judge others who feel differently,and I hope that others will offer me the same latitude.
The arguments that come back to me often start with "if you are genuine in your prayer than the Lord's favors will be upon you".
Sounds like quid pro quo to me!
I just ,and I repeat I,me ,David,do not believe that it's supposed to work that way.
I am grateful for all that I have. I realize(most of the time) just how blessed I am.
When I disconnect from that knowledge,things often fall apart. When I reconnect to them, my days are sunnier and brighter.
So yes, I believe in an energy that grows inside of me from be grateful, gracious,kind,positive, and giving.I do this without any expectation of any payback of any kind.
No quid pro quo.
If for no other reason than the mere fact that with all of the other major crap in life, that higher power may have a lot more on his or her plate than waiting for me to say thanks or ask for anything for myself.
But hey, that's just me.
Blessings for a Shavua Tov!

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