Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Keep Telling the Stories!

"We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are."
Calvin & Hobbes
I have thought long and hard before choosing my message for the year.
As was the case for the last two years, there was an aha! moment that sealed the deal for me.
I have always believed in the importance of the Hebrew word
Zachor-to remember.
It has been a cornerstone in the foundation of my beliefs.
Remember who I am,where I came from and how I came to be where I am.
Recently, with the passing of a dear friend, I was reminded that while our memories are important, it is equally if not more important, to share those memories.
We share them by telling and retelling the stories.
Our memories will last only as long as we do.
The stories told when sharing those tales will last for generations..
Keep telling the stories.,over and over again.
They will get passed along.
L'dor vador!
From generation to generation.
Keep telling the stories.
Like any good story, the more you tell it, the larger the fish that got away gets.
That's more than okay. It's the stuff legends are made of.
And who doesn't want to be legendary!
Don't let those cornerstones that are the foundations of our lives become gravestones when we are no longer here.
Keep Telling the Stories!
Let them be a light for generations to follow.
Let them be the cornerstones and building blocks for everyone whose lives we touch.
Keep Telling the Stories!

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