Wednesday, December 11, 2019

And it was good

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.”
Helen Keller
Today we were treated to another snowfall.The weather here over the last 10 days or so has been challenging at times starting last Sunday with a wintry mix of rain.sleet, snow and ice. The last 48 hours featured rain ,rain and more rain. This morning, as the temperature dropped some 25 plus degrees,the snow began to fall leaving the ground and trees covered in a blanket of white.As I turned my bus into the drive at the end of my first run, a sense of calm and peace came over me. This calm started last Friday when I had my long overdue ME day. Little by little, I have been able to build on that ,culminating in this peaceful state that I found myself enjoying.
All I could think of in that moment was the biblical phrase "and he saw it was good".
This phrase appears 5 times in the book of Genesis,remarking on what had been created.
This is how I felt about my life this morning.
Looking at my life ,all that I have,all that I am blessed,all that I surrounds me, I smile and can honestly say that what I see is good!

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