Sunday, November 24, 2019

Word of the Month-November

"Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.”
W.T. Purkiser
November is coming to an end and I realized that I never picked a Word of the Month.
I know, I could just wait a few days and start fresh n December,but that really doesn't work for me.
So here it is:

the quality of being friendly and lively; friendliness.
Why conviviality?Mostly because it just doesn't seem to resonate with me lately. I am not feeling convivial.
Obviously this is a choice. It is entirely up to me to bring conviviality with me on a daily basis. A choice that for some unknown reason I have not been making lately.My reasoning for making it my November Word of the Month is that by acknowledging it's absence I can choose to change my approach and attitude towards it.I probably want to be friendly. It just seems like it has been such a chore lately.With Thanksgiving just around the corner and the end of the month in sight,it seems like a great opportunity to lift myself from the place I am in and to choose to be convivial.
It's more like the me I want to be and besides it is a cool word that most people do not use very often these days!
Shavua Tov!

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