Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Uniform

"Religion needs spirituality. Spirituality doesn't need religion."
Mike Dooley: Notes from The Universe
As I was getting dressed for the funeral, I asked Susan to hand me my blue sweater from the closet.I mentioned to her that it just came back from the cleaners and it's the only winter sweater that is clean.
I have a number of other nice sweaters that I could have worn. Unfortunately they all have been sitting in my hamper since the end of March along with their coordinating dress shirts and ties, waiting to go to the cleaners.
I just haven't had any need for them and quite honestly,looking ahead at my calendar, I probably won't need any of them until I head out to New Orleans in late January.
I remarked to Susan"Sweaters and dress shirts just aren't part of my uniform lately".
My daily garb is a hoodie and jeans.
On colder days I add a thermal vest.
Once the snow comes, I'll add my ski pants.
When it's really cold, maybe my Yankees jacket.
This basically works seven days a week for me.
If I happen to be spending a Saturday just kicking around the house, I may opt for sweats.
Other than that, the uniform remains pretty much the same.
There was a time, about 5 years ago, when for about 3 years, I wouldn't leave the house without a dress shirt and tie.I needed that uniform to make a statement.
I was done with the 380 pound me. No more leaving the house in sweatpants.That uniform was unacceptable.For 3 years, I was "The Guy in the Tie",every day of the week. Even if I was just going to the grocery store.........dress shirt and tie. (with a nice pair of jeans it's a good look!).
Today that uniform no longer works for me. Nor is it necessary.
Hoodies and jeans are the new uniform.
At least until late April anyway.
For now, I'll just enjoy my new uniform.
By the way.....what's your uniform look like?

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