Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Boss

"Every day is a new beginning.
Treat it that way.
Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be."
~ Marsha Petrie Sue
For the last 4 decades, I have been the boss.
You know, the head honcho, the big cheese , the top banana, the guy in charge.
Decision making rested squarely on my shoulders.
I have always done my best not to micro manage those who work for me, however there was never any doubt as to who was in charge and who would make the decisions on how, when and what would get accomplished.
Even when I was not"the Boss" , I always seemed to be the guy in charge.
I'm not sure why,it just happened.
This presented itself socially as well.
I can't tell you how often when at dinner with any number of people , of disparate age and economic levels, the check always manages to end up in front of me.
( not always a good thing!)
Today however, I find myself in a uniquely different position at work.
I am part of a team.
I have coworkers.
And even though I have "senior staff" responsibilities, the whole boss thing is not part of the culture.
In fact, no one person seems to be "the boss'.
Even those who are undoubtedly the people in charge,address everyone they interact with as part of the team.This is all so very foreign to me.
I am used to seeing what needs to be accomplished and then making the decision as to how to make sure that it happens.
I am also not accustomed to being questioned (read challenged) once my action plan is revealed.
To me the only response to my direction should be "yes boss" or "got it" or at the very least "okay".
This new way of doing business will take some getting used to for me.
I know my management style is rooted in the last century and not particularly P.C.
The rub is that I know it is effective when it comes to accomplishing a goal.
My challenge moving forward is to find a way to communicate my plans, thoughts and ideas while still respecting the culture in which I now find myself operating.
A newer.softer, gentler David.
Who'd have known!

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