Thursday, November 21, 2019

My Phone Book

"Who forces time is pushed back by time; who yields to time finds time on his side."
The Talmud
For the last 10 days or so since my friend John passed away, there has been a flurry of emails, Facebook posts and phone calls between everyone whose life he touched.Now as the shock and immediacy of his passing are waning, the contact is as well.Time has a way of allowing things to settle back in. Eventually we return to the familiar routines of our daily lives. That is until the next bit of bad news crosses in front of us.
This has to be unacceptable to me. I just checked my calendar and I can't seem to find Someday!
In response to this, while sitting in traffic at 7:30 this morning I asked myself"who can I connect with right now?"
I opened my phone book and called mt friend Brian. It's probably been about 6 months or more since we have spoken.I told him I just called to say hello, catch up quickly and assured him that I ill reach out before the holidays at the end of the year. I wished him and his family a Happy Thanksgiving as I had to hang up to call my next passenger.
After my morning runs were complete, I headed out to the grocery store.I decided to make 1 more call. This call was actually twofold in purpose. One was to catch up and the other was to tap my friend Glenn's brain (he may be the only person in the world better at "I gotta guy" than I am!).
I can't begin to share with you how uplifting it was to talk to both of these friends today.
I started to scroll through my phone book.There are a lot of names in it!
Some I haven't talked to for a while. Some I haven't spoken to in forever.
As I said, this is unacceptable to me.
David has a new game to play.
It's called"who can I call today?.
FYI....if you're in my phone book, don't be surprised if your phone rings and my name pops up!

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