Sunday, November 17, 2019

Learning to stand

“True joy comes when you inspire, encourage, and guide someone else on a path that benefits him or her.”
Zig Ziglar
He was Belushi in Animal House.
He was a cross between Swayze and Sam Elliot in Roadhouse.
He was Rob Lowe in The Outsiders.
He was Clint Eastwood in,well just about anything Eastwood ever did.
This was the John I knew "back in the day".
No one at his funeral today would have wanted to hear the tales of the exploits and adventures from that period in John's life.
Those stories seem to have nothing to do with the man John would become.
While it may seem that the person we remembered today, had no connection to that man, I for one would strongly disagree. As it is for all of us,there are formative,foundational periods in our lives,which are the cornerstones for who we are to become.
It supports everything we stand for.
They are not always the prettiest parts of the final project.
They are often weathered,gnarled, and downright unattractive.
Still they are the very bricks,stones and mortar without which, everything else would crumble.
The most magnificent edifices on the NY skyline all stand on foundations that are often unsightly and certainly rarely looked upon.
Yet they are still there.
They are important.
They are foundational.
They are what these buildings stand on.
I have been blessed by being a part of those times.
I am a better me for it.
It taught me a lot about standing.
Standing tall.
Standing side by side.
Standing up for myself.
Standing up for others.
Standing up to adversity
Standing up for right and against wrong.
Standing for ideals.
Standing up to commitment.
Standing alone knowing I am not alone.
Standing face forward into the strongest of storms knowing that it is the only way to get through them.
These are the lessons on standing that I learned with John.
Learning how to stand is the foundation for learning how to understand.
Thanks for being by my side John.
You stood tall against it all.
Now it's time to rest.
Rest in peace my brother.

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