Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Puzzle Pieces

"   To move forward and progress, we need motivation. It's the thing that gets us started and the thing that keeps us going. What's yours?”
 ~ Stefan Wissenbach

When I take the time to reflect upon my life and where I am today,I have to be candid and admit that Life is Good!
Can it be better?
Of course it can. 
That's what I strive for every day.
However, in the grand scheme of things, when I look at the big picture, I must be honest and acknowledge that Life is Good!
For me Life is Good includes my health, my friends and family, and my resources.
When I feel good,and the bills are getting paid and I am connected to those who mean the most to me, Life is Good!
There is one piece of this puzzle that seems to be missing for me lately (or should I say once again!).
That piece is the one that so often seems to elude me.
The search for significance and meaning to my life.
When I began driving the bus, it helped replace the income from losing my coaching gig a year and a half earlier. I replaced one puzzle piece with another. I also made some changes that were also necessary to pull the puzzle together.
After a year and and half behind the wheel, the resources part of my life has stabilized,enough for me to understand that it's now time to work on that other part of my good life, my purpose.
Incidentally, when I figure out how my purpose and my resources can work hand in hand, that will be what we call in coaching a win/win!
Driving my bus, selling Halloween, and what ever else I do to make ends meet is great.
When these things aren't working, they can overwhelm life.
Same can be said for my health. When I feel like crap, life is crap, plain and simple.
And without friends and family, well the puzzle has no meaning without them.
It's only when I am blessed with the Good Life , that I have outlined,my health wealth friends and family, that I give my self permission to hunger for more.
Am I being selfish and ungrateful?
Am I unappreciative of all that I have?
Not at all.
It's called human nature.
I want more.
I want it all.
And from where I stand, there's nothing wrong with that.

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