Saturday, July 7, 2018

A Job Well Done!

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."
Frederick Keonig

It's an absolutely stunning Summer's day here in Northern New Jersey.
Bright blue skies,plenty of sunshine, a pleasant 78 degrees and low humidity.
This is a welcome change from the oppressive heat and humidity we had for the last week or more.
It has been a good day to get some things done around the house. 
The front lawn is cut as is about 1/3 of the back (I'll do the rest when the sun moves).
I did some work on the pool as well.
I put up a shade tent over the side patio and even fashioned a gate to close off the yard (it's only been 2 years!).
I had a few errands to run and most of them are done also.
In a short while, I will bring Bentley to The Grooming Shoppe (he needs a brush out desperately!) 
After that, a quick stop at the market before heading home to prepare dinner. 
(The rest of the yard will get cut after that!).
All in all it has been a productive day.
Don't get me wrong, there is still a long laundry list of to-do's yet to be attended to.
I'll do what I can and that will just have to be good enough for today.
The hedges need trimming.
They'll have to wait!
There are a couple of places on the wrap around deck that need my attention .
They'll get taken care of at another time as well.
I bought a new grass trimmer....for Susan!
She can have fun with it!
Like I said,it's been a relatively productive day so far. 
I think I will tie up those few unfinished loose ends and call it quits.
I'm okay with being able to say enough for one day.
I'm also okay with acknowledging both a job well done and my limits.
It's nice when those two things go hand in hand.
Shabbat Shalom!

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