You do realize that I have 3 kids ?
In part 1 of What a Difference a Day Makes I wrote about what Max has accomplished over the last 42 months. In part 2 I blathered on about Sara's Journey ,which probably spanned the same time period, possibly a bit longer.
Did you really think I would leave Becca out of this picture?
Not happening!
So we go back a little further in time, to like 2010, when Becca declared that she had no plans to go to college.
Basically, she had no plans at all.This is why she chose to not go into debt acquiring a ( yes b.s. in this case means bull shit) .
She saw others that she knew graduating with loans that were choking,them taking jobs that they didn't want or like.
She saw this as dumb and quite honestly, I agreed 100%.
After graduating from High School she was free to spend 3 months in the U.K. with me, helping to set up and run a Halloween store.
When we came home, she kicked around a few different jobs, always gainfully employed, eventually winding up taking a part time job bathing dogs at a grooming shop.
To make ends meet she continued with her part time child care job as well.
30 months ago, she and I sat and talked about the possibility of opening a shop of our own.
2 years ago today The Grooming Shoppe opened its doors for business.
What a difference a day makes!
(or in this case 2 years).
Late Friday night , Becca and I went back to decorate the shop to mark this occasion.
Last year, Sara ,Max and I did this as a surprise for Susan and Becca.
This year, Becca and I continued the tradition.
As we went about hanging things and putting out balloons, I remarked that a year before when we did this we had 1 groomer,1 table.
A year later the shop has a second table ,and a second groomer.
The shop also underwent a minor face lift as we had reconfigured the space , changing the feng shui .
The new shade in the front window,you know the one which she so adamantly opposed,has also been a great addition.
Last June, after 5 years she found herself without her part time child care job. The kids had grown up (they do that you know!)
As scary as not having that income may have been, Becca took charge of her situation and put all of her efforts into making sure that the shop flourished.
1 year later, by any measurable standard,The Grooming Shoppe is doing just that....Flourishing!
3 kids.
3 different Journeys.
One amazingly proud father!
Shavua Tov!
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