Monday, May 28, 2018


 Friday night the entire Flock of Spiegels gathered for our weekly Shabbat dinner.My immediate family was joined by the North side Spiegel clan  (my brother and his family).
It's always special when we all can spend time together. 
I used this gathering to put out a meal that I have been tossing about in my head for a while. 
Basically it was a a vegetarian buffet , with most dishes being served cold.
The prep work was intense , however, setting the meal out was easy since I didn't have to deal with serving anything hot.
As you may have guessed, I did go over board once again.
The table had no less than 15 different dishes.
Don't even ask me about the cost!
Like I said, I went over board.
And that's a good thing!
Shabbat dinner. 
It's the one meal of the week,when I go all out (as much as I can afford to).
For me, it sets this meal, this time apart from the rest of the week.
As Jews we begin Friday night with the Kabalat Shabbat service and we welcome in the Sabbath.
We usher it in and regard the Shabbat as a queen that brings majesty into our midst.
As with the pomp and splendor that accompanies greeting royalty, I want my family's Shabbat dinner to be a truly memorable experience.
The rest of the week left overs are just fine.
Open a couple of cans of tuna and some salad and fixin's and we're good to go.
Shabbat is different.
Shabbat is special.
On Friday night we eat as if we were part of her majesty's royal family.
Come sit at our table,.
You will want for nothing.
At least one night a week.
Shavua Tov!

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