Thursday, May 3, 2018

What Am I Missing?

My daughter Sara got engaged this past weekend. Since then I have received many many notes, emails, texts, phone calls and other sorts of congratulatory messages.
All are warmly appreciated and unbelievably wonderful.
However, there is a however to all of this. People keep asking me "are you excited?" and "are you happy?".
This has become a bit of a challenge for me.
 If I were to answer without filtering myself I would say NO!
I am sure that Sara will understand what I mean here,what is it that should be exciting ME in all of this?
Patrick has been around for quite some time now. He is as much a part of the Flock of Spiegels as he can possibly be. He is a fixture at our Shabbat dinners and is always a part of anything we do as family.
So for me , other than 1 more time I will have to fret about how I look in a suit or photographs, life has not changed one bit.
As far as HAPPY?
If you know anything about me the one thing you have heard a million times is that HAPPY is a choice, a choice we make every minute of every day.
Events do not MAKE us HAPPY....we choose to be HAPPY.
So you see where I am having some consternation around this. 
Am I doing something wrong?
Am I missing something?
Is there some experience in this that has eluded me?I understand Mazel Tov!
I can deal with congratulations!
Questions about how I am feeling  are way to confusing for me.
I guess I don't understand how I am supposed to be feeling. 
Kind of sucks for me!

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