“Fate is the hand of cards we’ve been dealt. Choice is how we play the hand.”
~ Marshall Goldsmith
One thing that has become evidently clear to me is that I am really good at being me.
I know that sounds kind of obvious.
We are all good at being ourselves.
Not necessarily.
I know way to many people who say things like gee if I were only like so and so or if I only could be more like some one else.
If that were the case we would be them, not ourselves.
Often times that type of thinking leads to envy .
Other times it manifests in depression.
Sometimes it even leads to despair.
No matter what, it's not healthy or productive.
Lately I find myself saying and offering up a whole lot less than in the past.
Believe it or not, I don't know everything nor do I have all of the answers.
(Do not let my wife and kids know that!)
I have a lot of them, just not all of them.
And the ones that I have may seem reasonable and logical to me, but maybe not to everyone.
Last night I attended yet another committee meeting. I sat and listened with very little input.
When I did choose to offer up an insight into something we were discussing, I looked around the table to the gaze of some fairly blank stares.
Stares that kind of said "what the hell is he talking about?'.
That is until one specific pair of eyes met mine .
Those eyes were the only ones that really mattered to me as they belonged to the one person who had the ability to do something about the situation we were bantering about.
The look that came back at me was a simple one.
It said "your right....and thank you".
As I said, I don't know everything.
What I do know is how to be me.
It's pretty simple.
Being me means doing the right thing for the right reasons.