Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sorry I missed writing yesterday.
It was a physically challenging (pain wise) day .
I have a secret for you...Pain sucks!
It truly drained the crap out of me again yesterday. 
Today is much better.
While I have not given in to it, I have altered my expectations of what and how much I can get done while it lasts.
This, much like emptying my plate of only my top 3 or 4 priorities daily, is proving to be a very smart plan.
I am accomplishing all that I set out to do. 
I am not disappointing myself at the end of the day with a list of unfinished or unaddressed tasks.
I am setting myself up for success on a daily basis.
Each day that I accomplish this, is followed by a day where I set the bar just a tad higher.
You would be surprised just how motivating this can be.
At the end of the day , when I can survey the landscape around me and see progress, I feel really good about myself.
Yesterday I had a meeting to discuss a project that has been gnawing at me for a very long time,maybe over 3 years.
I pick it up and put it down. I start the engines on it every once and a while only to find that for one reason or another the timing is not right to launch .
When I originally scheduled this meeting, it was a split second , seize the opportunity, move.
Within hours of scheduling it, I started having second thoughts.
While I am committed to the project, I knew down deep, that I am not ready to give it the attention that it needs. 
I had my meeting.
I pitched my idea.
And then , less than 24 hours reached out to the powers that be that I am working with and spelled out why I want to put the project on hold for a launch much further down the road.
It's not that I don't believe in the project or in my ability to make it happen.
Quite the contrary.
I am so passionate about it and so committed to it, I want to make sure that it gets the effort and attention it will need.
I even went so far as to let those I am working with know the exact future date I am planning to launch...October 4th 2018!
Now I have a target.

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