Thursday, February 15, 2018

The other day I came across an article on Facebook about a close friend of mine from high school. It was a posting from a local newspaper regarding a dinner where he would be recognized for his philanthropic work in the community for almost 4 decades.
I was in awe of my friend. 
I always have been.
 He is in every sense of the word a mensch!
(even if he is Lutheran!)
To be honest though , I have been wanting to write about him for over a week now. 
While the article was wonderful and the recognition long over due, I am even more amazed that every single time I see him, and in every single picture that gets posted, he is smiling. 
He is possibly one of the world's smiliest people.
He always has been. I've known him for 47 years and I can't remember a time, not even once, when he did not have a smile on his face. 
Life has not always been nice to him.
He, just like the rest of us, has had his ups and downs and his trials and tribulations.
None of that has ever removed that smile. 
It's not a fake, toothy grin.
It's a smile that starts in his eyes.
The rest of his being picks it up from there.
I have been with him at weddings as well as funerals.
 Always a smile.
Not the same smile obviously. 
However there is always a smile. I am jealous. 
I am envious.
I am in awe of this ability.
A smile makes a difference.
I have noticed that lately in some photos of myself that I have seen.
This is not the first time this has come across my radar screen.
There is a lot to be said about the power of a smile.
After 47 years of knowing my friend, I think it's high time for me to add his gift to my tool belt. I know it will serve me well!

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