Friday, February 23, 2018

 Guess where I am and what I am doing?
It's 8:30 on a Friday morning and I am sitting at my desk writing to you.
Ain't that something!
Now that I have my CDL, I have a new schedule which includes a day off. 
Imagine that!
And as luck would have it 
(okay I finagled it to happen) 
that off day is Friday. 
So now there is no excuse for me to not write to you and let you know how I am doing on How Am I Doin' Fridays.
I am doing great.
Yeah, my back is still aching. February is still acting like February.
I have a ton of catching up to do.
I still have to shop and prepare dinner for tonight. keeps on happening!
Here's what I am not doing.
 I'm not wasting the day doing nothing.
The to do list, as always is a short one:
1) dinner
2) doctor
3) write.
Once I accomplish all three of these , everything and anything else is a bonus.
I have a funny feeling there will be a lot of bonuses today.

Shabbat Shalom!

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