Saturday, October 24, 2020


 I had the opportunity to watch The Eichmann Story on Netflix. I don't tout a lot of movies , however,this was a pretty good one.

The one thing that jumped out at me was when they showed some brief frames of the films that were shown to Eichmann at his trial. The footage that documented the atrocities committed.
Although very brief,they were enough to remind me that we must never forget.
In a few weeks, we will remember Krystal Nacht once again.
November 9-10th,1938,The Night of Broken Glass.
It has been 82 years.
Unfortunately,the world has already forgot.
And as if forgetting isn't bad enough,there are many out there who just have no idea of just how horrific the Holocaust really was.
If they did, they would never throw around comparisons that paint any thing that we may be experiencing today to the evil that was perpetrated under the Nazis.
The comparison is beyond deplorable.
I am ashamed to say that I have seen people I know post things on Facebook in the past calling someone a Nazi and I didn't call them out.
In High School, they used to show a film,I think it was called A Night in Watching .
It was as graphic as one could ever want to see.
I for one would want to see more of this shown on tv.
That's the film festival I want to see.
This my friends was social injustice. Social injustice on such an enormous level,we should be reminded of it constantly, graphically, until it makes you puke.
Zachor, to remember.
Mark your calendar.
16 days.

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