Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Ask

 October is undoubtedly my favorite month of the year.

The Jewish High Holiday season is wrapping up and the harvest season is in it's full glory.
Each day, the morning air is crisp and cool.
It's hoodie season once again.
Soon the trees will transition from the lush green of Summer to the brilliant colors of Autumn.
Halloween is around the corner and that means Thanksgiving is not all that far away.
It also means that it will soon be my birthday,
not that birthdays are all that important to me.
However, this year, I have decided to gift myself with a special birthday wish.
When I stopped writing to you a short while back and stepped away for what now seems to have been a mental time out ,
I began writing the book. The book was going to be a collection of short essays. I made an initial list of about 20 topics I wanted to address.
One of those essays was going to be entitled The Ask.
During my "recovery" , I realized that I really do enjoy writing to you.
After years of not being able to answer the question "what do you do for fun?, I finally figured out that this, writing, is fun to me. Not just the writing but the feeling I have when I am done. Even better is the feeling I get when I get a response.
I also realized that my email list has not grown very much in years. I have been content to just write, and not done much to add more people to the group that I write to.
As a salesman I have to admit , I am a bit embarrassed by this.
The most important part of any sales meeting is The Ask.
Not the offer, The Ask.
If you don't ask, you don't get. It's just that simple.
So my birthday wish for this year is a simple one. No, I am not going to ask you to contribute to some fundraising charitable event.
In fact, this won't cost you a penny.
My ask is simple.
If you would be so kind, and if you get anything at all from me writing to you, share it with someone and ask them to join in.
When I started this seven years ago, I added 1 new person a day for 100 days.
My birthday wish is to add 1 person a day....every day.
Yes, I want to go viral (isn't that what it's called nowadays?).
I don't ever see myself doing Youtube videos or Ted Talks or anything like that. I just want to stay in my lane,writing daily, to as many people as I possibly can.
I am asking for your help.
Just that easy.
I am asking you to introduce me to someone you know who might also enjoy getting these emails.
Not such a huge ask.
Or is it?
Doesn't matter!
I'm asking anyway!
Thanks in advance!
(I can't wait to see what happens.)

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