Under these circumstances.....
This is one of those expressions that just bugs the crap out of me.
About 6 years ago, I had the good fortune to hear Andy Andrews speak.
Andy Andrews is the author of many books including The Traveler's Gift: Seven Decisions That Determine Personal Success,(put this on your must read list!).
During his talk he challenged us on just this topic.
Why do we choose to live under any circumstance?
Why not rise above them.
Why isn't the expression living above these circumstances?
Living under anything sounds so oppressive.
What we say is what we feel.
Living under circumstances sounds like there is a struggle involved,some burden that must be overcome.
When"under" is the starting point, I feel half defeated before I begin!
Just getting to where I reach ground level is a fight.
Surely I will expend a ton of energy getting to that point, let alone beginning to move forward.
It's kind of like complaining about the weather.
Plans for the day:
Clean the yard.
Oh crap! It's raining outside.My plans are ruined!
Did you check the weather forecast before you made your plans?
Was there a possibility of rain?
Then maybe my planning was not the best.
And maybe I can find some other opportune way to spend my day.
One that doesn't include feeling minimized because it happens to be raining.
Under these circumstances....just a dumb approach to life.
Just think of all of the negativity:
Under these circumstances.
Under these conditions.
Under someone's thumb.
Under educated.
Under employed.
Under fed.
Under the weather.
Such negative connotations.
Rise up!
Soar above!
Reach higher!
Doesn't that sound so much better?
I think so.
Shavua Tov!
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