Sunday, April 19, 2020

Let's grab a cup of coffee.

"The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.".
Elbert Hubbard
Let's go grab a coffee.
This is probably one of the things I miss most during these times.
For me, that face time, that one on one time, has always been something I value and cherish.
Zoom conference calls a re fine for disseminating information.
Teleconferences are an effective way to keep everyone on task.
None of this can replace the connection I get when I can be with someone physically.
It's not about the coffee.
It's all about being able to be WITH someone.
How many deals have been made over the casual get together?
How much more does a drop in visit mean than a phone call?
The ability to look into someone's eyes,to see someone's smile,or to shake someone's hand can not be duplicated online.
I miss that interaction.
My cousin and I have had coffee on Sunday mornings for literally decades.
I am missing that.
How often have I made that call to a friend"up to a cup of coffee?".
A yes to that often makes my day.
About 2 weeks ago, a friend passing through the area reached out.
We met in a parking lot.
He grabbed some pizza and we had a few minutes to catch up.
Best 30 minutes I have had in weeks!
When I started out in business, there was this bar in midtown,Bills.
I can't begin to tell you how many deals were struck, how many orders were taken and how much was shared at this watering hole.
I remember the first time I saw someone take out a pen and map out an action plan on the table cloth. Cloth,not paper!
Or write notes on the wall of the phonebooth as the deal was being finalized.
Last year, I got to spend 6 hours driving down to see my friend Tom.A 3 hour visit and then 6 more hours on the ride home.
No phone call, no teleconference no snail mail,could have accomplished what that face time did.
Hopefully these current circumstances will be short lived.
Hopefully,in the not too distant future we can meet again for a cup of coffee.
I look forward to that opportunity.
It really can't come soon enough for me.

By the way, I hope you have been enjoying my song of the day.
Here's today's :

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