"Failure will never overtake me
if my determination to succeed is strong enough."
Og Mandino
Life got real for me today.
While lying in bed , reflecting upon where we are today and what I might want to accomplish when we can all move about freely once again,the first thing I decided to put on that list is to get down to see my friend Tom .
Once we have an "all clear" and I mean all, since Tom's health status is as compromised as any, this was the most important thing I could think of.
Yeah, there are some other things that need tending to, however this trip was the one of utmost importance.
Shortly thereafter, I dragged my OSA (Old Sorry Ass) out to my desk to do as I always do,check my emails. It was there that I was greeted with an email from Tom and his wife. It read in part:
"Dear ones, We want to let you know that Tom has now entered hospice care. It will be done in home as best we can. Please do not call. We need to rest when we can. ..."
I collapsed back in my chair as tears began to well.
No words.
To many remembrances.
I have written about Toma number of times in the past.
For years, I have referred to us as opposite sides of the same coin.
In this year of "Keep Telling the Stories" Tom and I have too many to recall and retell.
Heartsick does not describe my feelings.
There are no words.
There are no prayers.
There is nothing but the wait for the next email.
And then what.
A virtual funeral.
No last story telling session.
No last laughing.
No last beer.
No last knowing smile when our eyes meet.
Just an enormous empty feeling.
And then I move on.
"..... one man, scorned
And covered with scars."
With that, I have decided to add a daily "Song of the Day".
Maybe it will help.
You may want to listen or even better watch..
This was the one that came up for me today:
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