Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Irreparable Damage

"Sometimes success requires persistence and hard work. Sometimes an ingenious new approach is needed. Or it may be time for a whole new beginning. Think, and choose wisely whether to try harder or to try something new."
Jonathan Lockwood Huie
You can't unbreak a glass.
Once dented,a fender can never be unmarred.
A balloon will never be filled again once it pops.
So it is with everything in life.
On a daily basis I am becoming more and more acutely aware of how my actions, deeds,and words can have a lasting impact.
Not just my words,but even the tone of my words,can cause irreparable harm.
Sometimes the damage is minimal and moving on is easy.
There is still damage!
Good as new doesn't mean new. It's a "kind of" thing.
It looks okay.
It feels okay.
But still, you know.
Others may not see the damage. It may be completely undetectable.
It still happened.
Down deep you know it exists.
Scars and blemishes may be so faint that no one notices.
The are still there.
Sometimes we are unaware of the damage we have done, the pains we have inflicted or the scars we have left on someone.
No excuse.
That is why we should be mindful .
Mindful of everything I do or don't do, say or don't say,and how I do or don't say it or do it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Breathing Easier

“Life isn't about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself.”
George Bernard Shaw
Breathing easier today.
Figuratively that is.
The Grooming Shoppe has officially re-opened which is a very good thing.
Our customers are flocking back to us. We are booked solid for the next 2 weeks.
We have had to adjust our hours of operation to accommodate for the protocols we have had to put in place while the virus nonsense is still inhibiting our lives.
Still we are open!
That makes breathing easier.
We can now begin addressing mounting bills.
Our employees can start seeing some much needed income.
A smidgen of normalcy can be added to our daily routine.
On a micro level, this won't help the finances on the home front.
That really doesn't concern me at this moment.
The fact that we can start generating a cash flow for the business is huge!
Now if we can just get to the point where we don't have to wear these stupid masks, then I can literally start to breathe easier.
Isn't that something to look forward to!

Monday, April 27, 2020

A man of questionable virtue

"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence."
If it is true that patience is a virtue, I obviously must be a man of questionable virtue.
Patience is not my strong point.
Admittedly I am getting better at it than I used to be, however, my default is still to want it NOW.
That isn't always possible.
In fact,almost everything in life is a process.
When you apply for something,there is some amount of waiting time while the application is being processed.
When you are building something, there are steps involved. And you can't skip any of them!
Dinner does not get made by simply wanting it to be done.
It's a process. And part of the process is waiting.
And waiting some more.
And then some more.
And being patient.
Again, something I am not always good at.
I am getting better. Just not fast enough!
Oh yeah....patience David!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Under these circumstances

Under these circumstances.....
This is one of those expressions that just bugs the crap out of me.
About 6 years ago, I had the good fortune to hear Andy Andrews speak.
Andy Andrews is the author of many books including The Traveler's Gift: Seven Decisions That Determine Personal Success,(put this on your must read list!).
During his talk he challenged us on just this topic.
Why do we choose to live under any circumstance?
Why not rise above them.
Why isn't the expression living above these circumstances?
Living under anything sounds so oppressive.
What we say is what we feel.
Living under circumstances sounds like there is a struggle involved,some burden that must be overcome.
When"under" is the starting point, I feel half defeated before I begin!
Just getting to where I reach ground level is a fight.
Surely I will expend a ton of energy getting to that point, let alone beginning to move forward.
It's kind of like complaining about the weather.
Plans for the day:
Clean the yard.
Oh crap! It's raining outside.My plans are ruined!
Did you check the weather forecast before you made your plans?
Was there a possibility of rain?
Then maybe my planning was not the best.
And maybe I can find some other opportune way to spend my day.
One that doesn't include feeling minimized because it happens to be raining.
Under these circumstances....just a dumb approach to life.
Just think of all of the negativity:
Under these circumstances.
Under these conditions.
Under someone's thumb.
Under educated.
Under employed.
Under fed.
Under the weather.
Such negative connotations.
Rise up!
Soar above!
Reach higher!
Doesn't that sound so much better?
I think so.
Shavua Tov!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Tom Died

“In times of stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and energy into something positive.”
~ Lee Lacocca
"So what's happening here?" I asked when I walked into the family room after returning from my bus run yesterday.
Susan looked at me and sadly said"I guess you heard?"
Well, no.....I've been driving a bus for the last 5 hours ,so I haven't heard much.
"Tom died".
I shook my head and made my way into the kitchen to prepare lunch.
I wasn't surprised by the news.
There was no shock.
I was saddened but not overwhelmed.
After lunch I sat down at my desk to check my emails.
As expected there were dozens of posts offering condolences to Becki on Tom's passing.
I read almost all of them.
I didn't post anything.
What could I say that hadn't already been said?
There are no more words to be added.
The condolences,all heart felt, spoke volumes as to how much Tom was loved and how much he will be missed.
What could I possibly add?
I spent the rest of the day,saddened by the news.
There would be no more visits.
There would be no more phone calls.
There would be no more emails.
There would be no more Facebook posts.
That smile would only be a memory.
Same for that laugh.
None of this is new or news to me.
All of these points of connection have vanished over the last few weeks.
The reality was the ending to this story was inevitable and merely a matter of when, not if.
This morning there were more posts,messages and memories to be read.
I mentally took them all with me as I headed out for work.
On my way too pick up the meals I would be delivering today ,my thoughts turned away from the loss of Tom and towards my loss.
I know, that sounds selfish.
Maybe it is. Still I could not get it out of my mind.
Tom was a staunch member of the David Spiegel Fan Club.
He may have been one of it's biggest advocates.
He made me seem better than I could ever have imagined being.
And he never stopped reminding me and others of how awesome I am, or at least he believed I am.
So much so that I hardly recognized the person that he was referring to when he did it.
He went so far as to introduce himself on Facebook to my daughter and then went on to extol the virtues of some fictional character,certainly not the guy I see in the mirror when I brush my teeth daily.
This is who Tom was. He lifted others up. Up to heights that they were not cognizant of.He saw the good in people.In all people.Most particularly he saw the good, no the great, in me.
He enlightened the World by lighting up all who came in contact with him.
I will never be as grand as the person Tom spoke of when he spoke of me.
He will always be even more grand !
Shabbat Shalom my friend.
Shabbat Shalom!

This one's for you Tom:

Thursday, April 23, 2020

And then...............

“At times our own light goes out
and is rekindled by a spark from another person.
Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
Albert Schweitzer
And then.....
Literally minutes after I finished writing yesterday about "Just deal with it", everything around me seemed to just burst into flames.
Of course I am speaking figuratively.
Without addressing any of the specifics with you, I found myself completely overwhelmed by the events of the day.
I literally felt like I was on the verge of a breakdown of some sort.
In that moment,when things were on the verge of exploding, I chose to get out of the house before I blew completely.
I grabbed my keys and decided to drive across town to my brother's house.
I just needed to vent.
I didn't need or want any input or advice.
I just wanted to be able to let the crap spew out without fear of judgement or involving anyone else.
Being the consummate coach that he is, he knew well enough,that I was not looking for answers or suggestions, just a safe space to let the mounting pressure out.
After 15 minutes of effusive rhetoric,I was calm enough to let him know I was done .
Not resolved,but done enough to regain mu composure and try to salvage what was left of the day.
The episode did not just go away.
It has taken almost 24 hours to completely deescalate.
All night last evening, I rehashed the events of the day.
After a fitful fairly sleepless night, I started the day filled with many of the negative emotions that were left over from the day before.
It's now about 4 p.m. , well over 24 hours since this melt down began and I can now share with you that most of it has left, and I am once again dealing with it.
I have to tell you,it was exhausting.
Juvenile,and ineffective yet somehow very real.
Time now to move on, deal with it and understand that yes indeed sometimes s#!t happens!

Here's today's song of the day:

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Deal with it

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has."

After weeks of quarantine and weeks of being frustrated, I am having an epiphany.
I hate this quarantine.
Who doesn't?
I don't like being told I can't do this and I can't do that.
Does anyone?
I want to move forward with my life.
Isn't that true for most of us?
And I really despise the suggestion that this way of life is being called "The New Normal".
I am willing to accept that this is in fact today's normal.
That is a reality.
Reality is the one thing that I can actually deal with.
Today's reality includes all of this social distancing and mask wearing.
The reality is that for now, we can't open the shop.
In today's reality, I find myself making choices that under more normal circumstances would never be on the table.
This morning I wanted to stop for a bagel.
That would mean, putting on the mask and gloves ,and then making sure that there weren't 3 people ahead of me online since that iis the limit of customers the bagel shop allows in at a time right now.
I chose to skip the bagel.
It just wasn't worth the effort.
It certainly wasn't necessary.
6 weeks ago I wouldn't have had to think about that.
At some point in the future, I won't have to make that choice.
Today's reality is different.
It is temporary.
However it is the reality that I have to deal with.
Complaining just adds to the frustration.
So to does listening to the nonsense polluting the airwaves and social media.
The simple solution is to make the choice to not tune in.
That can easily become part of my reality.
What do I gain by listening to any of it?
I can deal with reality,any reality.
Conjecture? Hyperbole?Supposition? Prognostication? Opinions?
None of these are reality.
Facts are reality.
Facts can be dealt with.
Intelligent choices based on facts is my reality.
The rest of it is just noise!

Here's today's song of the day:

Monday, April 20, 2020

Movin' on

“Your example is far more influential and inspiring than any words of instruction, or threats,or even words of encouragement.”
Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Passover has come and gone.
Winter is behind us and Spring is about to spring.
We are almost 7 weeks into this quarantine and while it is still in effect, it's time to start movin' on.
I truly hate the term "New Normal".
First of all if it's new, it's not normal. Secondly,I am not looking for a new way to live and the stupidity and fear mongering around the current shutdown is for the rest of the sheep, not for me. This will end.
We will pick up where we left off and life will get back to resembling what we once had.
The world changed is constantly changing. Do you remember life before 9/11?
Things changed a bit.Life as we knew it did not come to an end.
Today was the first time in weeks that life seemed to have some resemblance to what it was before this quarantine.
I am confident ,as days go by,and the politicians and bureaucrats get out of the way, the rest of us,those of us that really do make a positive impact on the economy and the well being of our communities, will find the way to move on and get us back on track.
Today felt like the beginning of that long road back.
It's time for movin' on!

Here's today's song of the day:

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Let's grab a cup of coffee.

"The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.".
Elbert Hubbard
Let's go grab a coffee.
This is probably one of the things I miss most during these times.
For me, that face time, that one on one time, has always been something I value and cherish.
Zoom conference calls a re fine for disseminating information.
Teleconferences are an effective way to keep everyone on task.
None of this can replace the connection I get when I can be with someone physically.
It's not about the coffee.
It's all about being able to be WITH someone.
How many deals have been made over the casual get together?
How much more does a drop in visit mean than a phone call?
The ability to look into someone's eyes,to see someone's smile,or to shake someone's hand can not be duplicated online.
I miss that interaction.
My cousin and I have had coffee on Sunday mornings for literally decades.
I am missing that.
How often have I made that call to a friend"up to a cup of coffee?".
A yes to that often makes my day.
About 2 weeks ago, a friend passing through the area reached out.
We met in a parking lot.
He grabbed some pizza and we had a few minutes to catch up.
Best 30 minutes I have had in weeks!
When I started out in business, there was this bar in midtown,Bills.
I can't begin to tell you how many deals were struck, how many orders were taken and how much was shared at this watering hole.
I remember the first time I saw someone take out a pen and map out an action plan on the table cloth. Cloth,not paper!
Or write notes on the wall of the phonebooth as the deal was being finalized.
Last year, I got to spend 6 hours driving down to see my friend Tom.A 3 hour visit and then 6 more hours on the ride home.
No phone call, no teleconference no snail mail,could have accomplished what that face time did.
Hopefully these current circumstances will be short lived.
Hopefully,in the not too distant future we can meet again for a cup of coffee.
I look forward to that opportunity.
It really can't come soon enough for me.

By the way, I hope you have been enjoying my song of the day.
Here's today's :

Friday, April 17, 2020

Do I really need this?

"Every day stand guard at the door of your mind."
~ Jim Rohn
I have never been accused of being a self indulgent kind of guy.
Spending money on myself is a rarity.
Why buy a cup of coffee when I can go home and make one?
New sneakers?
What's wrong with my old ones?
They're not falling apart yet.
Treating myself to things is just not what I do.
In today's climate, I find myself being even more vigilant around this than ever.
Can I make a meal out of what's here in the house now?
Would it be a better meal if I had this or that to add to it?
Probably. But that would mean going to the store.
Do I really need to do that?
Or can I get by with what I have?
Almost always, the answer is I can.
Take tonight's dinner for instance.
A can of cranberry sauce would be the perfect piece to tie tonight's meal together.
Am I really going to go out there and expose myself or expose others who I may come in contact with for a freakin' can of cranberry sauce?
Kind of dumb.
These are the choices I find myself making more often than I would like to.
If times were different, trust me, Ocean Spray would be $1.29 richer right now.
This is just the way it is for now.
And by now, I am pretty sure I mean for the foreseeable future.
If everyone would learn to be more responsible when it comes to "do I really need this" maybe,just maybe , life could become more normalized once again.
Do we really need to order take-out 3 times a day?
How about a little planning for the week?
I still haven't figured out the whole toilet paper crisis.
The only answer I keep coming back to is people are just inherently bad and inconsiderate.
Can I use a haircut?
Do I need a haircut?
No, not really.
Do I really need to go to the dry cleaners?
Not really. I am sure there is something in my closet to wear.
There are dozens of these choices to be made daily.
99% of them will probably be answered with no not really.
This will not last forever.
For now, a little planning and a little sacrifice will go a long way towards getting back to saying why not sooner than later.

Here's today's Song of the Day:

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Alternate Reality

"How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most”
Stephen R. Covey
Another day and another opportunity for me to scratch my head.
As one who has always found it difficult to fit in,these times are even more challenging for me.
I have always questioned why it is that I seem to view things so much differently than
the majority of those around me.
Over the years, I have come to accept that,oftentimes smiling as if I knew a secret that others didn't get. More often than not however, I have been perplexed by how little light people see and how they choose to succumb to the darkness.
Oh heck, let's call it as I see it, there are way to many Chicken Littles and not enough Don Quixote's.
Sadly this trend seems to be continuing.
All of the little chickens ( the way I did that!) are electing to huddle in the corners of their self made coops,fearing the big bad wolf, with absolutely no desire or will to sick their scawny little chicken necks out for fear of having their heads cut off.
Bullshit to that!
I keep hearing terms like "Heroes" and "those on the frontlines".
It's as if the rest of the world, the rest of you, the rest of us,are waiting for someone to save them. Ain't gonna happen.
You want saving?
Get off your ass.
Get mad.
Get to work.
Stop cowering .
Do something. Do anything.
Just don't sit there.
Stay at home,stay away,stay secluded?
Until when?
Until someone TELLS you it's safe?
None of that will make any of us great again.
It's time to stop putting those who are making the most of their opportunity to be vital on a pedestal by showing up to work and start questioning ourselves as to why we aren't taking steps to regain what we have so willingly let go of.
It's time to join them.
It's time everyone got in the game instead of sitting under the bleachers.
If I had cancer, I wouldn't wait for advice from an oncologist. I would hunt him down until I couldn't hunt anymore.
Sitting around waiting for someone to tell me "all's clear,you can come out now", is not the answer.
The only question to be answered at this point is what can I (we) do now to move forward.
Someone had to be the first to step into the Red Sea.
Someone had to believe against everything their eyes were telling them, that it would be all right.
It's time to either build a bridge to cross that sea or take a chance that We might just have to get a little wet!

Here's today's Song of the Day:

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Here,have a trophy

"Then give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you."
Madeline Bridges
I realize that I come from a different generation than the one that controls the social narrative these days.I grew up on a quiet little street in the heart of the suburbs,which at the time was the American dream for the generation that preceded mine.A home, in a good neighborhood was the standard that my parents and their friends who had grown up in apartment buildings in cities like NYC, Paterson,Philadelphia or Newark aimed for.
In our neighborhood, we had an electrician,a steel worker, a dock worker,a graphic artist, a mechanic, a gas station manager, some factory workers and a salesman (my dad). More than half of the dads in the neighborhood worked part time jobs as well.
It's just what people did in those days to afford the life style they wanted for their families.
A few of the moms worked,mostly part time jobs, just to help out.
Yes, it was a different time and a different world.
One other thing that the parents in our neighborhood had in common was that most of them had come to this place after experiencing life during WW11.
Just about every branch of the armed services was represented in our little corner of the world.
Here's the thing.None of them called them selves heroes.As a matter of fact,rarely was their service a subject that came up.It was their job,their duty, in response to a global experience that threatened the dreams they had for their future.
And none of us called them heroes. We called them,Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Mac, Mr. O'keefe, Mr. Deluca,Mr. Lembo, Mr. Bascelice,Mr. Hambel.
If we had called them heroe, we probably would have been shut down pretty darn quickly.
They had a humility about them. Their pride was not in the selfie they took holding up a sign saying "I'm a hero".
They cut their grass,and raked their lawns. That well manicured yard was as close to a selfie as they ever had.
No one gave them anything and they were just fine with that.No selfies.
No signs with hearts on them.
They didn't pat themselves on the back for doing what they believed they were supposed to do and quite frankly signed up to do,their jobs!
Nowadays, everyone is a hero. Not just in the eyes of the community at large, but in their own eyes. Selfies of healthcare workers holding up signs saying "I'm a hero" abound.
The clerk at the grocery store believes I owe him or her a debt of gratitude for doing their job.
Moms sitting around a kitchen table helping their kids with homework feel the need to give each other and themselves a shout out for being moms.
Everyone gets a trophy.
Everyone gets a prize.
Everyone gets recognition and an award.
It's awful!
Personally, I find it humiliating.
When we were kids and you bragged about something you did you were met with "what do you want,a medal or a chest to pin it on".
That's the world I grew up in. A world where humility was more important than collecting a phone full of selfies or a shelf full of awards.
I kind of liked that world a lot better.
But that's just me and what do I know.

Here's today's Song of the Day:

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Slowed to a snail's pace

“He who spends time regretting the past, loses the present and risks the future.”
As someone who spends his days accomplishing lots of stuff, I am perplexed at how much energy it is taking to get done so much less than I normally do.
During more normal times, I am up by 6,out the door before 7 and my day doesn't quiet down until well into Jeopardy if I a lucky ,more like late into Wheel of Fortune!
In that almost 14 hours , I have made multiple bus runs, shopped, prepared lunches and dinners,as well as having handled all sorts of email and phone conversations dealing with any and all of the projects I have on my plate at that time.
In the midst of all of this activity, I find myself capable of extraordinary amounts of creativity as well.
I will be dealing with any one of a number of tasks when all of a sudden,whammo!, a flash of creative brilliance pops into my head. Before long I have a new seed planted. And we all know that once you plant a seed,it's a simple matter of farming,water, fertilize and sunlight!
(Yes Mike Bloomberg, it is just that simple!).
Nowadays,I find that just about everything takes great effort.
Life has slowed to a snail's pace.
While I don't have a scale or chart to measure these things, it just feels like I am accomplishing less while expending more energy.
My mornings are starting well after 8 on days when I am not driving.
Moving from task to task, is a monumental effort.
And the river of creativity that normally swells coinciding with the energy I am putting out has slowed to a barely trickling stream.
My fear is what happens when life returns to normal?
Will I be able to flip some sort of internal switch and get back up to speed?
What if I can't?
What if I don't?
What happens then?
Scary stuff!
I don't want to dwell on this so I am choosing not to.
Still, one has to wonder......?

Here's today's Song of the Day:

Sunday, April 12, 2020

He has risen

"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."
He has risen!
Okay, maybe that He, but still.
A very close friend of mine, has been down for the last 2 weeks with this virus.
First his wife had it and then he got it.
In his case it came on with a fury.
For 2 weeks,it kicked the crap out of him.
Running fevers of 101 and 102 daily,the ride was not a lot of fun.
Yesterday was the worst.
He was certain today would bring a trip to the emergency room.
Wouldn't you know it?
On Easter Sunday, his fever broke.
This friend who has been my savior on countless occasions throughout the years , seems to have made it out the other end of this thing. The wheezing is gone.The fever is gone and he feels closer to normal than he has in weeks.
An Easter miracle!
Not the first Jewish guy to experience this!
Happy Easter folks!

Here's today's Song of the Day:

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Best $5 I Ever Spent!

"We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return.
We will be with our friends again.
We will be with our families again.
We will meet again."
~ Queen Elizabeth II
Quite some time ago, I remember writing about my 2 favorite Broadway heroes,Tevye from Fiddler and Don quixote from Man of La Mancha. I shared with you that all my life, I had identified with Tevye,schlepping his milk cart through the village of Anetvka, struggling with the weight of both the cart and life itself.
I knew that burden. I felt that weight.I shared his tired existence.
At the time, I announced that I would be choosing to be more like Don Quixote,more quixotic on my Journey. I wanted to tilt at windmills with my squire and lady by my side. I wanted to pursue the impossible dream.
Yesterday,Susan wanted to watch a movie. I chose to rent (something I never do!) the documentary Miracle of Miracles, the story behind the making of Fiddler on the Roof.
Unequivocally, I can say, this was the best $5 I ever spent.
Watching this magnificent story,I now understood that I was so close to Tevye,so much a part of who he was, that I did not and could not see what everyone else sees in him.
All I saw was the burden. All I saw was the struggle.
All I knew was the weight of being him(read me).
I could not see all of the wonderful attributes that makes Tevye,Tevye.
I also realized that it was at the same time when I made the choice to turn my back on Tevye (again read David) and try to become more like the fanciful Man of La Mancha, I turned away from that relationship that may be Tevye's strongest one. His relationship with God.
Tevye has this very unique relationship with God. It is not one based on prayer. It's truly a one on one dialogue.It is the only place Tevye knows he can turn to, that he can count on, when he needs to air his concerns,feelings and dirty laundry.
Don Quixote seeks monumental adventures as he desires to change the world. Tevye's understands the world is a very big place and he is just a simple milk man,trying to eek out a living for his family. He is concerned with the welfare of his family, his village, his friends and neighbors,knowing that his energies are best spent taking care of that than tilting at windmills and slaying dragons.
Yesterday,the Tevye in me was reborn.
Only buy seeing him (again read me) through the eyes of others,could I come to know who he (I) am.
Sorry sancho.....I'll have to say goodbye.
My milk cart is waiting and unfortunately, my horse needs my help today!
More thoughts coming on this for sure!
Best $5 I ever spent!
Here's today's Song of the Day:

Friday, April 10, 2020

It is what it is

“Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself.”
Robert Collier
Things don't always happen the way we would like or believe they will.
What's the old adage,man plans and God laughs?
Lately that seems to be the case more often than not.
It seems on a daily basis, the news I get is not what I was hoping for.
A back to work date?
Not exactly what we once anticipated.
Income for some of us?
Not exactly what we had planned on.
Access to basic necessities?
A bit more challenging than anticipated.
Susan's biopsy results?
Not exactly the clean bill of health we were hoping for.
Course of action around this?
Again, altered given the current climate.
In the end,it is what it is.
Doris Day popularized a song in 1956 Que Sera Sera,.....whatever will be will be.
To me, that's just a little to lais se faire for me.
It's just not in me to let things just happen.
It is what it is affords me the opportunity to deal with whatever "it" is.
There is a huge difference. I can be proactive to it is what it is as opposed to que sera sera.
Being proactive affords me the opportunity to have an impact on my life instead of being impacted by life.

E.R.O.- Event- Response-Outcome
You can't control the events of your life.
You can control your response to those events which then changes the outcome.
It is what it it will always be.

Here's today's Song of the Day: