Thursday, January 9, 2020

In the Meantime

“True courage is taking another small step each day toward achieving your vision.”
Jonathan Lockwood Huie
I have been working on a project for a few weeks that in my eyes will ultimately be a huge game changer in my life.My hopes were to have it wrapped up by the end of the month changing a lot in my approach to my daily activities. After meeting this morning with one of the other players involved in this adventure, I have found out that my end of January target is probably more like the end of February. My initial reaction was "geez....I was really hoping to have this wrapped up sooner.....". Although I did not say that, it was certainly what I was thinking.My next thought was "so now what?". Do I sit on pins and needles as we slog through the process? Do I stress out for the next 45 days , waiting, hoping, dreaming , envisioning, or worse worrying that it falls apart?
The answer is none of the above.I am now existing in the "in the meantime".
In the meantime.....
Here is where I am.
Here is what I have.
Here is what I need to be accomplishing and working on.
I can't change this 45 day window. Let it go!
Let the river flow.Eventually it will run its course.In the meantime, life goes on. There are many other chores,tasks, and responsibilities to be handled,none of which are wishing, hoping, wondering or imagining.
Life in the meantime.
It's all good!

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