Tuesday, January 21, 2020

I could be...........

“Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.”
John Lennon
There are a lot of things I could be doing today. There probably are a bunch of things I should be doing today.Instead , I have made the conscious choice to not deal with them . Instead I am doing somethings I want to do.I want to take a step back and survey the landscape,evaluate where I am and prioritize what I will handle next.I want to write to you so I am. I want to not feel pressured so I am stepping back a bit.I want to feel settled so I am not adding anything that puts extra demands on my time, resources or energies.This is where I am today. It's a bit of a resting place,not a place I intend to reside in for a long period. It's just the place I want to be in for the moment.In his message of the day yesterday, my mentor Darren Hardy spoke about being comfortable being uncomfortable. While I understand and agree with the concept, there are moments in time when I realize that I have been uncomfortable for way too long. Looking back over the last few weeks and months, I see a long trail of discomfort. I am okay with all of it. That's what has gotten me to this point. Sara's wedding is behind me. The challenges of the Grooming shoppe have righted themselves. The normal chaos of the holiday season and the end of the year have passed. Winter is here and although weeks away, a new Spring is just around the corner.The project I have been working on is entering what should be its final stages and my role is now hands off.
So before I go charging blindly into whatever is next, I am choosing to stand with my hands on my side, taking a deep breath and allowing myself this moment.Not exactly a flannel pajama, pint of ice cream,wearing my bathrobe day. Just a day where I can just be without the pressures that admittedly I often heap on myself.
How long will I stay here? Not very if I have to take a guess. For now, this feels good and I plan to take full advantage of my decision to be here.It feels comfortable today,and that is an unfamiliar feeling for me.It's nice.....for now,however short lived that may be.

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