Wednesday, January 8, 2020

If I Can Dream

 "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."
Robert F. Kennedy
There are times when I lose track of the path I've been on, where I have been and the roads that I have traveled on.I am never one to spend a lot of time "reflecting" or dwelling on the past.This morning I had a reminder of a part of my Journey that I had not thought about in quite some time.It was around this time 6 years ago. Thanks to a dear friend of mine, I had become involved in a multi-level marketing company.On a weekly basis we attended meetings that while designed to engage new prospects,served as a constant source of inspiration and energy for those of us already involved.Speeches by those who had "made it",and who were climbing the ranks,left me feeling"this could be me someday".When you did finally make it to the top, the celebration and spectacle that surrounded your coronation was an unbelievable experience.Those who rose to the highest ranks were lauded with their special celebration, held at the semi-annual conventions where literally 10's of thousands of participants took part. While attending one of these conventions,I took the liberty of imagining what it would be like on the day that I would be standing on that stage.In the midst of my weightloss at that time, I even knew what I would wear for the event. I also picked the song that would be playing as my family, friends and business partners stood by my side.
For about a month or so after that convention, I would start each day by listening to that song.I would close my eyes and allow myself to dream.Dream of what at the time seemed like an unimaginable  life. Dream about what it would feel like to be happy.Dream about being significant.
Today, as I reached for the control to the heat which had finally come up in my Jeep, I heard the first notes of that song start to play on the radio.Not wanting the blowers to interfere with the music,I instead turned volume foregoing the much needed change in temperature. The next thing I knew , I was magically transported back in time. I was sitting erect behind the wheel. I found myself singing along with the music which was getting louder and louder at each verse. The cold morning evaporated as I belted out each stanza culminating with what can only be described as my roaring voice echoing inside of my car.
So I will share this song with you. 
Sit back. 
Take a deep breath. 
Click this link .
Turn up the volume. 
Close your eyes. 
And dare to dream:

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