"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
Thomas A. Edison
Now I get it.
I love to write to you. Often, it is the highlight of my day. so why is it that I so frequently skip doing this?
Very simply,s#!t happens. I leave the house well before 7 each day. Before long,stuff just starts popping up. In my head , the noise starts. It begins as a low drone that builds and builds and builds. Before I know it the noise level is cacophonous. My thoughts and attention are being pulled in 100 different directions. when I finally do get to sit in front of my computer, my mind is racing at 100 miles an hour. The quiet place which I so long for is unattainable.My mind can barely be still for a minute or 2 never mind clear my head to allow myself the luxury of some truly reflective time.
I get myself worked up over the fact that I am not writing which only serves to increase the anxiety and anxiousness.
Now I get it. Writing in this place and space is not possible.
Finding that place is my challenge. At least I now understand the why of it all. Now to come up with the how.