Thursday, October 3, 2019

Time to regroup!

“It really boils down to knowing your goal, concentrating upon it, remaining determined and having the self-discipline to complete what you are doing.”
~ Dick Sutphen
Rosh Hashana has come and gone.
Next up,next week, we will celebrate Yom Kippur.
Sadly, I came into the High Holiday season ill prepared,particularly in a spiritual way.
I literally worked until about an hour and a half before the holiday started and never took the time to shut down and move on.
During services on Monday, a dear friend came to say hello.
As a devoted reader of my daily emails, he asked me how I was doing.
When I said "great" I was met with a suspect glance.
My response didn't jive with my messaging in my emails.
(He was right!)
Honestly , great may be an exaggeration.
For the most part things are fine.
I know there will be some rocky times ahead.
That's just the way life is.
Nonetheless, if I am being honest,I am a very fortunate person.
I am blessed with many things,friends, family, and a wonderful life.
However it is time to regroup.
Today I heard from the person who is the director of the adult school where I will be offering 2 courses this semester.
Besides checking in she started her email with"Hi David - Hope all is well. I really enjoy reading your emails ....."
Time to regroup!
And just now when I got home, when I sat down at my desk to check emails I found one with the subject "Where are you?"
Like I said,time to regroup!
I could offer up all sorts of excuses and explanations and reasons why I went silent for a week.
None of them matter. The only thing that does matter is that I understand that it is time to regroup!

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