Tuesday, October 22, 2019


“The most effective way to cope with change is to help create it.”
~ L.W. Lynett
Saturday evening, as he does weekly, my cousin texted me to check and see if I was joining him at the gym on Sunday morning.
To say I have been less than diligent in regards to my workout regimen would be an enormous understatement.Plainly put, I have all but abandoned any type of program for taking care of myself.
I texted back "sure" but to be honest my heart wasn't in it.
When the clock read 6 am, I even contemplated texting him back and cancelling.
Instead, reluctantly, I dressed and headed outside to wait for him to pick me up.
On the ride to the gym, something shifted in me.The conversation in my head went something like"if not now then when?"
With having Monday and Tuesday off from work, I had the opportunity to get to workout 3 days in a row.
Obviously you can't do 3 days in a row until you have done 2 and you can't do 2 until you do 1.I seem to remember something about "A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step".
Sunday morning's workout could be that single step.
Without judging how far I had fallen from where I once was, I set out to complete a 40 minute circuit of upper body exercises,chest, back and shoulders.
Having completed day 1, I was now in the position to tackle day 2.
Monday morning, after a bit of procrastinating,I headed back to Retro Fitness for my second workout in as many days.
45 minutes of legs.
Day 2 in the bag,I was ready and excited for day 3.
Happily I can report that I have met my commitment to myself.
3 days in a row at the gym.
First time in a very, very, very long time.
Opening my emails yesterday, I found that my mentor John Maxwell's word of the day was BEGINNING.
Coincidence or the Universe chiming in once again?
I suppose what I do to morrow will answer that question.
I'll let you know how that works out!

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