Monday, October 7, 2019

Pressed for time

“Be kind whenever possible; and it is always possible.”
Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Maybe it's just me.
With Yom Kippur just a few hours away, I am truly feeling the pressure of not allowing myself enough time to prepare.
Part of the problem is that tonight begins the first of the 2 adult education classes I am teaching this semester.
Right smack in the middle of my evening tonight, I certainly won't have those few hours after dinner and before bed that I count on for "me" time.
Given that I work for what is basically a Jewish institution, I seem to be the only person who is focused on the Yom Tov and not the normal daily schedule.
Everytime I say something to someone their response is always "oh're right!".
Is it just me?
Added to all of this is my families penchant for vegetarian foods over the traditional meals I have prepared in the past, I am completely unorganized when it comes to my shopping list.
So here's what I am dealing with:
A new cooking style
The nervous anticipation of the inaugural offering of my course
A full afternoon of driving
And multiple runs tomorrow including the last one of the day which won't get me home until 4 p.m.
Given that dinner has to get warmed up, and I need to be eating by 4:30 to be in shul by 5:30, it's understandable that I am feeling pressed for time.
Somehow, it will come always does.

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