Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sometimes I just don't get people............

"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought."
~ Matsuo Basho
About 2 years ago, the senior center that I drive the bus for decided to add a Sunday program.
Obviously, transportation was going to be a key component to this offering.
The director of the program asked me if I would be available to help out.
I told her that I would have to check with my wife and get back to her.
At that time, Susan and I were driving to South Jersey every Sunday to visit her parents.
We managed to work things out,knowing we had the option of using another driver once a month or so giving me the opportunity to take a day to accompany Susan on her weekly treks.
That was until we had to transport a wheelchair every week.
The other available driver does not have a CDL and can only drive the van, not the bus. Hence, if I don't drive, her she doesn't get to go to the program
So for the last 13 months, I work every Sunday (except for the 2 Sundays I am away at trade shows).
During those 13 months, approximately 50 Sundays, I have had the occasion to be in direct contact with my passengers daughter no less than 8 times, probably more than a dozen.
Not once, in all of those encounters did I get so much as a "Hi ....I'm the daughter."
I certainly have never heard a "gee, I would just like to say thanks for the care you take in transporting my mom".
It just amazes me.
I know, this may seem like an isolated instance, but I have to tell you, she's not the only one to do this.
Thank you seems to be missing from the vocabulary of a lot of people I come in contact with.
That makes me sad.
Really sad..
Like I said at the top,sometimes I just don't get people.
Shavua Tov!

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