“Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.”
~ Denis Waitley
I was having a conversation with a friend the other day. Eventually we came around to my weight loss Journey .
He seemed perplexed and confused by the fact that I seem to be constantly jumping back into a cycle.
I was confused by what exactly seemed so confusing to him.
He said "well,it never seems like you're done."
"It's as if you are constantly dieting."
This kind of caught me off guard for a second.
I waited a few minutes before I responded and then offered up 2 anecdotal scenarios.
Scenario #1:
I explained to him that even though I clean up after myself on a daily basis,put my clothes in the hamper,wipe down the counters after I cook and empty my garbage can when it gets full,I still have the cleaning people come in ever 2-3 weeks to get things back to really clean.
No matter how "on top" of cleaning up after myself I stay on a daily basis, every now and then, before things get out of control, the cleaning people get things back in shape.
He kind of got it but not really.
So I offered up scenario #2:
I said to him"You're a man of faith correct?
(He's kind of born again)
He said yes.
I pointed out that even though he lives a life committed to his religious beliefs, 2 or 3 or more times a year, I know he goes away on a retreat .
When he returns, he is inspired and his commitment has been elevated to a higher level.
So why does he feel he needs these getaways to reconnect?
Did he lose something along the way?
Did his commitment decrease during the interim periods?
Is he less devout the other 350 plus days a year and only reminded of his commitment and connection during those retreats?
(Okay now he was not happy with me!)
The point is whether it's doing a cycle to reign myself back in or going on a retreat to reconnect, or having the cleaning people in now and then to spruce things up,we need these activities to bring us back to the apex , the pinnacle.
We, or should I say I,can't live on the razor's edge 24 hours a day , 365 days a year.
I do the best I can, but I'm not obsessed.
I am not a machine.
Then again ,even machines need routine maintenance.
For me , that routine maintenance is doing a cycle.
Kind of like a retreat for fat people!
I'm still not sure he gets it.
That's okay....I do!
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