“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.”
~ Maya Angelou
March Word of the Month
So why the word DISCIPLINE for my March word of the month?
I believe that it's a missing component in my life.
Today, as I do most Sunday's, I woke up early (around 6) , got dressed and dragged my sorry butt to the gym.
My cousin and I have been doing this for just about 5 years now.
To be honest, without knowing that he will be pulling up in front of my house and beeping his horn, I would definitely roll over and stay in bed.
Instead, it's the one day a week that I make the effort to workout.
This is a far cry from the 5-6 days a week I was working out 2 years ago.
Where has that commitment to myself gone?
It's not that I have no discipline.
My food protocols are fairly well maintained.
I wouldn't consider them rigid, but I can honestly say that I maintain a pretty healthy diet.
However, I haven't had the same DISCIPLINE when it comes to working out.
The same is true when it comes to my writing.
There was a time when I would never miss a day, never mind 2 or 3 or more in a row.
When I Think about my lack of DISCIPLINE in regards to these things, I become very judgemental of myself.
I view this, and probably unfairly, as a lack of character.
When I don't make the effort to maintain that DISCIPLINE, I feel like I am turning my back on the commitment I have made to myself.
What's worse is that when I abandon the commitment I had made to myself, I feel as if I am letting others down as well.
It is an unfair standard to impose on myself, yet I do it anyway.
I can and have, made all kinds of excuses.
I don't have time.
I'm not feeling up to it.
I'm tired.
I'm too busy.
All B.S.!
It's a lack of DISCIPLINE and that lays squarely in one place.
On my shoulders.
The definition of commitment is doing something after the mood in which you first said you would do it has left you.
Commitment takes DISCIPLINE.
Guess what a lack of DISCIPLINE equals!
Shavua Tov!
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