Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Snow Day!

"When you help other people achieve their goals they become more powerful allies. "
-Doug Smith
I feel badly for my friends from California and Florida and any of the many other warm weather areas that others live in.
Never getting that unexpected day off because of a snow storm must be a real bummer.
Today I had a snow day.
Late last evening the call came.
With reports of an ice and snow storm hitting the area, the powers that be where I work made the decision to err on the side of caution.
It's not that the forecast was calling for any significant accumulation.
In fact, in any measurable terms this was going to be a rather mild storm.
The problem was that the storm was predicted to hit just as I would be rolling out with my bus and continue through the entire day including the drive home.
Safe trumped sorry in this case.
I also think that all agencies in the area are still fearful after the disasters that we encountered during the first snow fall of the season.
To say that we all got caught off guard would be an understatement.The commute home that day was as bad as I can ever remember.
Today turned out to be a great day off (besides the fact that I lose a day's pay).
I was able to use this unanticipated free time on my schedule to catch up on a lot of work that had been piling up since my return from the recent trade shows that I attended.
In fact, I am at the moment , and probably only for a moment, completely caught up.
With any luck and a modicum of self discipline, I can hopefully keep pace with what ever comes in on a daily basis.
I didn't sleep in this morning.
There was no snowman building today.
I didn't get to go sleigh riding.
Nor did I go out and build a snow fort.

In the end, It was just a great snow day!

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