Monday, February 4, 2019

Not just a phone call......

“You always get what you unconsciously believe and expect.”
– Joe Vitale
As I drove my bus on today's morning run, 2 or 3 different thoughts on which I might write about came to mind. That is until I received a phone call from a friend.Last Friday, I had what can only be described as one of the most taxing days I have ever had,at least from an emotional point of view.
The happenings of the day left me feeling distraught and overwhelmed with anxiety.
In a moment of sheer panic, I mentally leafed through my contact book trying to think of some one to call,some one to talk to,some one who would listen to me.
After wracking my brain for what seemed an eternity, I found a person to speak to call. Fortunately for me he was available. He listened as I poured out my woes to him, barely giving him a space to make comment.
In a word, I dumped on him and he listened. Actually, he did more than listen.
He heard me.
And maybe that was all I needed in that moment, someone to hear me.
That was last Friday.
A weekend has past since then and although the challenges I was facing have not diminished, the overwhelming anxiety associated with them has subsided.
I have begun the process of moving on, not that I have a clue as to what that may look like.
As I parked my bus and made mental plans as to what the rest of my morning might look like, my phone rang.
It was my friend checking in to see how I was doing.
He said he just called to see how I was doing.
To me, it wasn't just a phone call.
It was a reminder of just how important a phone call can be.

Shavua Tov!

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