Sunday, February 10, 2019

I still hate Sundays!

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."
~ Leo Tolstoy
Susan, Max and I were on our way home after grabbing a bite for lunch when I blurted out" I really used to hate Sundays!".
They laughed at me and asked why.
Immediately, my mind shot back to my childhood. Hebrew school on Sunday mornings.
Not getting home until after 1 o'clock. The day wasn't half done.
It was completely ruined!
Oh sure , after lunch, my cousin Mark and I would have a couple of hours to play.
But 4 o'clock would come quickly and they would be heading home and I would have to sit down and get my homework done.
Then dinner,then a bath , and before you knew it, bedtime.
Trying to get to sleep?
All I could think about was the dreaded future that lay in front of me....Monday morning and school!
I remember how much I hated seeing Tinkerbell flying across the television screen. The wonderful World of Disney was completely overshadowed by the Miserable World of Being Me.
Sundays were never fun days.
Today,all these years later, it's not that much different for me.
I go to the gym at 6:30 on Sunday mornings. Then it's off to work. I get home around 11:30 knowing full well that in less than 4 hours, I am headed back for my afternoon bus run.
Not a whole lot of "fun " time after grabbing some lunch.
By the time I get home, it's after 6 ,just enough time to make dinner and sit down at my desk to map out the weeks agenda.
I still hate Sundays!
While on the treadmill this morning, the woman anchor on the morning news said "it's Sunday morning, the mid point of the weekend!"
Is she for real!
It's Sunday morning!
The weekend is shot!
There's nothing left to live for!
She must be delusional!
You see........I still hate Sundays!
And let's face it,I probably always will!
Shavua Tov!

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