" Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.”
~ Earl Nightingale
When I am deep in the s#!t ,it is impossible for me to see clearly.
That is my take away from this mini-vacation Susan and I took this week.
I get so busy doing "stuff" that I lose my focus on the road in front of me.
Over the last few months, the s#!t has been piling up without me even realizing it. First a little bit of s#!t,then a little bit more , then a little bit more.
Before I knew it, I was wallowing in mounds of s#!t .
When that happens, I start to get used to it.
I didn't even notice the stench of the s#!t after a while.
It became the norm.
This tiny little break in the action has really served to remind me that it's the flowers along the way I want to be smelling,not the s#!t.
As we drove down the Garden State Parkway on Monday, each mile post we passed seem to pull me up from the s#!t piles a little bit more.
It took a while for me to realize that something was different.
As is often the case when Susan and I drive in the car, I started rambling about this, that and the other thing. Susan in her inimitable way listened (or pretended to) as I ranted on and on.
I don't know if she hears let alone cares about any of my diatribes.
It doesn't matter. I hear myself and before I know it the fog that has been swirling around me seems to lift and I find myself looking at the path to another opportunity to continue my Journey.
Today, I began the reality check.
Do I really have a vision or a delusion?
You may ask what's the difference.
If I sit on my visions and do nothing with them, it is and I am delusional.
Some call it being a dreamer.
On the other hand, when I act on my vision, then and only then can my vision become a reality.
That is when being I am no longer a dreamer,but a visionary.
A farmer is only a farmer when he tends to his fields.
Prepare,plant,nurture and harvest.
Shabbat Shalom!
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