Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

 Building a successful business and life warrants setting aside time to identify the bigger picture of what you want." 
~ MaryEllen Tribby 

The mini vacation that we took this week seems to be the gift that keeps on giving.
As it is with any Journey,one step leads to the next and then another and another and another.
So it has been for me over the last few days. 
The tiny respite from what had become "normal" has paved the way for me to head out in a different direction,one that so far has consisted of one positive change after another.
First it was a Sunday where instead of driving my bus, I had time to spend with Susan, even if that time was based around a visit with her parents.
On Monday we were on our way to the shore,leaving behind everything and everyone.
When I dressed for dinner Tuesday night, I forgot to wear the brace for my arm.
I have not put it on since.
Wednesday,with Susan's help and input, I settled on and bought a car.
On Friday, I reached out to a number of colleagues and confidantes to explore a new project.
Today, as planned,Max and I began a new weight loss cycle .
On a daily basis I am taking another bite at the apple of life.
Not a bite too big as to choke me.
Just enough to nourish me and keep me coming back for more.
What's the old adage? 
Rome was not built in a day?
Neither is a meaningful life experience.

Shavua Tov!

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