Saturday, August 25, 2018

No More Grass Cutting!

Good people always ask good questions." 
~ Lou Adler   

For the last few years, I have taken care of the lawn myself.
Paying someone to do something that I was absolutely physically capable of doing myself was a luxury that I simply could not afford,or so I convinced myself.

One of the consequences of my recent bout with tendinitis was that I had to hire someone to cut the grass.
As it turns out, somehow the resources to pay for this have some how magically been there for the last few weeks for which I am grateful.
Tom,my new lawn guy, showed up just as I sat down to write yesterday. By the time I hit the send button on my daily email, he had finished and gone.
Other than the brief interaction of actually paying him, I hardly knew he was here, except for the fact that my yard looked great. 
Quite honestly, he does a better job than I did. 
He has better and more equipment and he seems to love what he is doing.
Not that I did a bad job,however it certainly was not a labor of love for me.
So now that I have magically been able to find the funds to pay for this ,I am asking myself,what do I have to do to keep this up?
Having that task off of my plate has opened up opportunities for me to do things that I a) enjoy and b) are more rewarding to me.
Tom is a retired guy who loves making a few extra dollars cutting lawns.
Good for him.
But that's not me.
Instead of laboring and sweating for an hour ,I spent that time resolving some challenges that had popped up and reached out to a number of people who I will be working with on a new project.
It's not about the $40 or the hour of time gained by not having to deal with the lawn.
It's all about maximizing my resources.
If landscaping was what puts food on my table and a roof over my head, heck, I would be at it 20 hours a day.
Like I said,that's not who I am or what I do.
My resources ,like everyone else's have limits.
My opportunities do not.
Cutting the lawn takes away from my access to those opportunities.
I am glad that the tendinitis is on the mend, however,I must admit,had it not been for this recent physical set back, who knows what accomplishments would have fallen by the wayside. Shabbat Shalom!

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