Thursday, December 14, 2017

This time management thing is not getting any easier. Today we had snowfall #2 for the season and that absolutely threw me a curve ball. The County canceled their buses which adds people to my run.Driving was slow at best. Suffice it to say, by the time I got back to my desk today I have just enough time to check emails, send you a quick note, swallow a bit of lunch before heading back for my afternoon run.
Looking ahead, tomorrow is Friday and I never have any down time on Fridays.
Once again, it will be Saturday before I can try to catch up with all that I need to get done. Of course this Saturday I have the cleaning people in so that "quiet time" will not actually happen either.
And if my memory serves me, Becca asked me a while ago to try and keep my late afternoon open for this Saturday as well.
So is it that I have too much on my plate or have I not done a good job of allocating this resource?
Probably a bit of both.
However in any case, it is a) frustrating to me and b) not very effective for me.
I must get control of this situation. It is becoming untenable and quite frankly I am not enjoying any of it!
I am not out of control.....yet!
When and if I reach that point, I fear the carnage that will ensue.
Much lie driving a car, I just can't slam on the brakes here.
Perhaps witha few short taps and by taking my foot off of the accelerator, I can slow down enough to regain control before I careen off the road and crash into something!
I know that is what needs to happen. I know how to do that. It just feels very tenuous until I actually get back to smooth sailing.  

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