Looking back at the year in review, I have a list of my own,one that provides me of a snapshot reminder of what was happening for me in 2017.
The list is my 12 Words of the Month. Here they are again chronologically:
As I stare at this list I had thoughts of a teacher handing out this list of words to her class and assigning each student to write a short story using all of these words.
What might that look like?
For myself, I am having flashes of my own short story entitled "2017" and how these words fit into that story.
What was going on for me and with me when I chose each one?
How did I incorporate them into my life?
How have they impacted my life?
How have I done keeping them in my life?
What the hell is RECRUDESCENCE?
(a new outbreak after a period of abatement or inactivity )
And what new words will become part of my vocabulary in 2018?
The last part only time will tell.
As for the 2017 list, as eclectic as it may seem, I can recount my short story of 2017.
It was a year filled with challenges and choices.
It had it's ups and downs,it's highs and lows.
There was joy and there was sorrow.
My heart was broken and it was lifted to new heights.
There were wins and there were losses.
There were wins and there were losses.
If nothing else, it was a compelling short story that kept the readers riveted.
In a few short hours, I will find myself writing the inevitable sequel to this latest installment of the story of my life.
2018.....another banner year!
Shabbat Shalom!
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