Saturday, December 2, 2017

The other day I shared this message seen on a billboard with you:
 " Do the right thing for the right reason
~Mathew 6 (1-4) (5-8)
It seems that this sentiment is also found in Jewish teachings as well:

"Be not like servants who minister unto their master for the sake of receiving a reward, but be like servants who serve their master not upon the condition of receiving a reward; and let the fear of Heaven be upon you"
-Pirkei Avot, 1:3

Again, a bit wordier than the simple message I see daily on that billboard ,however essentially the same thought. 
(Thanks Rabbi Weiner!)
I kind of hope that they will find a new quote to share with all of us who drive past this daily.
Some days I see it and it is really affirming to me.
Then there are other days when I find that I end up talking to myself saying stuff like
"okay I get it !".
And then there are those days when I am in a less than positive frame of mind and I end up asking:
 "oh sure and what does that get me".
You can only imagine the conversations with myself that I end up engaging in on days when that occurs.
Thankfully it is when I am in the thickest,most contentious part of that argument in my head that The Universe in its infinite wisdom places an opportunity to do the right thing for the right reason directly at my feet.
The inevitable outcome is I end up laughing at myself for ever having engaged in such silly thoughts at all.
Admittedly, when  make those right choices, when I do the right thing, I feel better about myself.

And that my friends is all the reward I could ever ask for. 

Shabbat Shalom!

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